School Advisory Council

Meetings are held at 6:00pm on the third Tuesday of Every Month.

School Advisory Council Bylaws

Article I: Name of Organization

The name of the organization shall be the Little River Elementary School Advisory Council, hereinafter referred to as the “SAC.”

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of the SAC is to assist the principal in the preparation and evaluation of the School Improvement Plan pursuant to Florida Law. The SAC shall perform such functions as are prescribed by regulations of the school board; however, no SAC shall have any powers and duties now reserved by law for the school board. The SAC shall:

Determine and prioritize the student achievement goals of the school with measurable objectives and actions based on the appropriate needs assessment and other data.

Use state and district goals as a guide for assessing the school’s needs.

Assist in the preparation and evaluation of the School Improvement Plan.

Identify the appropriate use of school improvement dollars to implement the School Improvement Plan.

Provide assistance to the principal in the preparation of the school’s annual budget.

Operate in compliance with Florida Law.

Article III: Representation and Attendance

The SAC shall be composed on the school’s principal, assistant principal, and an appropriately balanced number of teachers, education support employees, students, parents, and other business and community citizens who are representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school. The majority (51%) of SAC members shall be non school employees. In the event the SAC is not representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school, additional community members shall be appointed by the principal to achieve the balance. If additional members cannot be recruited, existing member(s) may be deemed non-voting members by the principal to achieve balance until such time additional members can be recruited to achieve balance. The appointments shall be made in accordance with school board procedures. Any member who has two (2) unexcused consecutive absences or any three (3) unexcused absences will be removed from the council with a majority vote from the quorum. An absence will be deemed unexcused if the member fails to notify the principal of the absence.

Article IV: Elections and Terms

Elections of members shall take place after the school year begins in August and prior to the second SAC meeting. SAC members representing teachers and education support employees shall be elected by their respective peer groups. The SAC shall elect a Chairperson, Co-chairperson, and a Secretary. Parents, students, and community members shall sign-up for SAC on a yearly basis. School employees shall be elected yearly.

Article V: Duties of SAC Officers

Officers shall serve for a period of two (2) years, or longer with principal approval. Officers shall have served at least one year on the SAC before being elected to office. Officers shall be elected annually at the first SAC meeting.

Duties of the Chairperson:

Calls the SAC meetings to order, maintains order, and oversees that the meetings are properly adjourned.

Works with the principal to plan each meeting and develop an agenda.

Becomes knowledgeable about the school improvement process.

Encourages everyone to speak at meetings.

Follows through on unfinished business efficiently.

Duties of the Co- chairperson:

Assumes the duties of the chairperson if the chair is absent.

Duties of the secretary:

Prepares all correspondence.

Records the minutes of the meetings.

Makes the minutes of meetings available.

Keeps annual attendance records.

Maintains and updates the SAC membership list.

Provides notice of next meeting along with the agenda.

Article VI: Meetings

All meetings shall be held in accordance with the Florida Sunshine Law. Meetings will be held with parents, students, teachers, and community members can attend. Members will be notified in writing of all scheduled meetings. Minutes will be taken at each meeting.

Article VII: Voting

A quorum shall be 51% of the total SAC membership. Decisions shall be made by consensus whenever possible. In the event a vote is taken, passage will require a simple majority (51%) of members present. There shall be no voting by proxy or secret ballot.

Article VIII: Amendments

Approval of any bylaw amendments shall require a 2/3 vote of members in attendance.

School Advisory Council Membership Roster
Name Position
Mrs. Tracey Gibson
Ms. Vanessa Faberlle

Dr. Jessica Schofield

Chair, Community Partner


Mrs. Margie Martinez
Instructional Member
Mrs. Iris Marquez
Classified Staff Member
Ms. Cathy Alvarez
Parent Member
Mr. Kurt Trotman Parent Member
 Ms. Shelly Higgins  Parent Member
 Ms. Yessica Hernandez  Parent Member