Our student dress code is adopted from the district Student Code of Conduct and reads as follows:
Student Dress
The dress and grooming of Orange County Public Schools’ students shall contribute to the health and safety of the
individual, promote a positive educational environment, and not disrupt the educational activities and processes of the
school. These minimum standards of dress and grooming apply to all students in the public schools of Orange County,
unless a specific exemption is granted by the principal. Any request for an exemption shall be made to the principal.
1. Clothes shall be worn as they are designed-suspenders over the shoulders, pants secured at the waist, belts
buckled, no underwear as outerwear, no underwear exposed.
2. Clothing with holes, tears, or inappropriate patches will not be allowed if considered obscene.
3. Bare midriffs and bare sides should not show even when arms are extended above the head.
4. Clothing normally worn when participating in a school sponsored extracurricular or sports activity may be worn
to school when approved by the sponsor, coach, or principal. Examples would be cheerleader, drill team and band
uniforms, team shirts, etc.
5. Clothing that is too tight or revealing is unacceptable.
6. Garments and/or jewelry which display or suggest sexual, vulgar, drug, alcohol, or tobacco-related wording/
graphics or may tend to provoke violence or disruption in school shall not be worn.
7. Gang paraphernalia, jewelry, tattoos, clothing or other insignias which display, suggest, provoke, or may tend to
provoke violence or disruptions are not allowed.
8. The following items have potential to cause disruption or threat to a safe and positive school environment and
are prohibited.
a. Hats, caps, visors, sunglasses, or bandanas while on campus during the school day
b. Chains hanging from he neck, belt, pocket, or attached to wallet
c. Jewelry that contains any type of sharp object
9. Hemlines of shorts, dresses, skirts, and skorts shall be no shorter than mid-thigh.
10. Clothing must follow the four finger wide rule at the shoulders.
11. Shoes shall be worn. The following are not acceptable:
a. Thong sandals (K-8)
b. Cleated shoes (K-12)
c. Backless shoes (K-8)
d. Heeleys shoes with wheels (K-12)
Any student who violates the dress policy described in Section 1006.07(2)(d), Florida Statute, will be subject to
disciplinary action as outlined therein. Individual schools are expected to use the state and district dress and grooming
guidelines as minimum standards, but are encouraged to extend their own standards to meet the uniqueness of their
school community.